Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Maccent

“Hello”, now say that same simple greeting with an English accent. My current track record would tell you that I am a one keen bean for anyone sporting a twang in their talk. Last Saturday night as we stumbled into Side Bar, the bar which should be re-named ‘accents are us’, I was needless to say in mingle heaven. As I woke up the next morning I got to thinking, what is it about men with accents? Is it their incorrect use of grammar? Or perhaps it is their inflection of words in all the wrong places? Curious to find out, I began my research.

Now I don’t mean to toot my own horn here, but I am a lady of many languages, three if we are being exact. I have grown up with people of all shapes and sizes who carry the best of accents at the worst of times. The accent is no stranger to me and yet they are so mesmerising when partnered with a savvy man.

I started recalling all the encounters I have had in the past few months with men. Of all of those who have managed to conquest me to some degree, there was only one* measly Australian on the list. ONE Australian!!!!

At this point in time I find myself in THE land down under, THE Land of Oz, THE lucky country, where Australian men are born and bred. So why do I find myself being attracted to anything but the native true-blue Aussie guy? I put it down to the invasion of the ‘maccent’, a man who possess a foreign accent.

After asking around, and collating some of my own data it can be said that this ‘maccent’ sparks something within women. The Department of Linguistics and the Department of Psychology at Stanford University saying that it ignites within women the idea of being cultured and as a result the idea of someone who carries a soulful, poetic nature which is alive and different to the ‘Aussie mate’. They carry a foreign hidden secret, and there is an uncertainty as to what exactly the future might hold, this accent talks to ladies and has them absolutely buckling at the knees, and it’s an international phenomena it would seem. After a large populous of women were interviewed it was found that women were more inclined to jump into the sack with a man if he possessed a ‘maccent’. Now men don’t get any ideas because we are a bright and soulful bunch ourselves, don’t go trying to get your best Antonio Banderas accent out, because let’s face it, it’s probably average to poor.

So I guess ladies just be conscious of the super natural powers which a little change in the timber of a man’s voice can have on us. Next time you sip on that fruity cocktail and that Russell Brand look alike (tattoos and all) comes up to you (it happened to me, I KID you not!) just make sure his ‘maccent’ is legit and make sure he sports the qualities you want in a man not just a ‘maccent’.

*note that this is subject to men only - my partner in crime is one hot mama and she is very much Australian.


Monday, September 6, 2010

When Booty Calls

Remember the time when you actually had to call someone on their home number and pray to god their Mum didn’t pick up? Not anymore. With the advent of text messaging, Facebook, MSN and email you can have an entire relationship without speaking a word or using correct punctuation (and trust me, I have!). Sadly, our relationships have suffered.

Unfortunately, the following scenario is all too familiar to the modern single; It's 3am. Your phone beeps. You whip it out in anticipation and eagerly unwrap the little gift of ‘1 Message Received’on your mobile screen, it’s from that guy you’ve been ‘seeing’ (Seeing? Dating? Hanging out? Screwing? What exactly are you doing!!!).

Now, I know every situation/guy/text is different. And while I don’t know the content, I know the subtext, of that text is Boo-tay!(thank you SJP)

The booty call, which Science Daily defines as "a communication initiated towards a non-long-term relationship partner with the urgent intent either stated or implied, of having sexual activity and/or intercourse’," is finally being recognised by science.

In a recent study psychologist, Peter Jonason, studied nearly 300 college students to uncover just how common the Booty Call is in college dorms around the globe. Peter determined booty calls to be a hybrid of long-term relationships and one-night stands that can combine the best of both arrangements.

Peter goes on to characterise the booty call relationship by an individuals’ tendency to leave after sex, infrequent handholding, more sexual variety than long-term relationships and one-night stands (more time to experiment) and less emotion. The results suggest the booty-call relationship is a distinct type of relationship situated between one-night stands and serious romantic relationships.

It's no surprise that booty-call sex is less emotional than relationship sex, but a one-night stand? Most likely. Peter admits it could be the fault of a small sample size, but he suspects it has more to do with the overzealous nature of one-night stands.

Peter believes being friends with benefits can be healthy, but how do we keep emotions out? Setting up rules for engagement is a must, and Peter suggests avoiding conversation and leaving immediately afterward to keep the non-romance alive.

Whether you’re for or against the BC, you have to admit the results are wildly fascinating! - Rhea